Common Mood Disorders

mood disorders

Everyone experiences mood swings. There are ups and downs, as well as everything in between. When someone has a mood disorder, they experience excessively long episodes of a strong feeling, which can be either happiness or despair, or both. Depression…

Trauma Therapy in Chandler, AZ

Psychological trauma is a reaction to an occurrence that threatens your safety and leaves you feeling helpless. During a traumatic experience, the body’s natural defenses take over and trigger a stress response known as the fight or flight response, which…

Treatment For Depression: What To Avoid

Although depression affects many people around the world, each person’s situation is unique and requires unique treatment. However, there are a number of common lifestyle concerns that can actively make you feel worse while you are trying to recover. If…

Managing ADHD In Children

In the US, more than 6 million kids have ADHD. Although millions of families face similar challenges, raising a kid with ADHD can feel solitary, especially when the diagnosis is fresh. It’s possible to raise a happy, healthy child with…

Treatment for ADHD and ADD 

Attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects many people throughout the United States. While there is no cure for this condition, there are many tools and methods that can be used to help manage it, and…

What Are Your Options For Managing OCD?

OCD is often a term that is often thrown around, but many do not understand the seriousness of it. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a major mental condition linked with high degrees of disability. There are different options available to…

Treating Sleeping Disorders

Sleep problems are many, but their causes and symptoms are much more numerous. Treating sleeping disorders can be done more quickly if we understand the causes and precise triggers. I’ll go over some of the most prevalent reasons for sleep…