Depression is a serious mood disorder that can affect your entire life. It’s caused by an imbalance of brain chemicals. Check out the rest of this blog to learn more depression treatment options.
Depression can cause extreme feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or irritability. It can also make you want to avoid or withdraw from friends and family.
Inpatient Treatment
Inpatient treatment offers a step-down approach that enables patients to focus on their recovery in an environment free of distraction. They are able to stay in the facility throughout their treatment program, which is important for those with underlying conditions that can trigger relapse.
Licensed inpatient facilities provide 24-hour support and intensive care. They incorporate three phases of recovery into their treatment plans: detox, reflection and growth.
Long-term mental health programs generally last longer than 30 days, and are designed to address the underlying trauma and attachment wounds that may be responsible for anxiety and depression. Healing these issues requires inner growth and lifestyle change.
Outpatient Treatment
Outpatient treatment from a professional mental health counselor is a cost-effective way for some people to get help. It allows individuals to continue working or going to school and still receive the care they need.
Outpatient therapy can take many forms, including individual, group and family counseling. Typically sessions last for weekly, twice a week or monthly depending on the client’s needs and progress in treatment.
A professional mental health counselor will ask you about your symptoms, thoughts and behavior patterns. They may also do a physical exam and lab tests. This information is used to diagnose depression and provide the most effective treatment.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that can be used to help people who are suffering from depression. It can help to ease symptoms, retrain negative behaviors, and reduce pain.
The first stage of hypnotherapy involves relaxation and focused awareness. This is achieved by a series of techniques including controlled breathing, progressive muscle relaxation or focusing on a visual image.
The therapist will then guide you into a state of hypnosis and use imagery and carefully chosen language to suggest changes in your experience, sensation, emotion, memory or thought. These suggestions may be symptom focused (to resolve a specific symptom) or exploratory (to explore experiences associated with the start of symptoms).
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment that can help improve mental health symptoms. This form of counseling helps people reassess their distorted thought patterns and learn to change them.
CBT is based on the theory that thoughts and emotions are closely connected. That means that inaccurate or negative perceptions can lead to unhelpful actions, and those actions can repeat themselves over time.
A therapist may use many techniques to help you change negative behaviors and thoughts. Examples include imagining anxiety-provoking situations and practicing new coping skills.
A therapist may also teach you goal-setting skills. These can help you identify and tackle problems that may trigger a relapse in the future.
Medication Management
Medication management is a special treatment that involves a physician reviewing your mental health history, diagnosis, and past medications to create a treatment plan. It also includes monitoring and balancing medication use to achieve the best possible outcome for your mental health.
Your therapist can help you develop a medication management strategy that works for you. This process will include educating and counseling you about the proper dosage of your medications, and strategies for taking them consistently.
Medication management is important for any person diagnosed with a mental health disorder. It can help reduce drug interactions, decrease the impact of outside factors on your health, and keep you on track to achieve your treatment goals. It can also reduce your risk of side effects from your medications.
Contact Me
If you are in need of depression treatment options, contact me today! I serve the area in and around Chandler, Arizona!