Professional Anxiety Treatment

professional anxiety treatment

Everyone experiences anxiety at times, but if you experience more than normal or are having trouble dealing with it, you may need professional anxiety treatment.

A good therapist can help you get relief from your symptoms and learn how to manage them better. They can also give you coping skills to help with everyday situations.

When to Seek Professional Anxiety Treatment

If anxiety symptoms are starting to interfere with your daily life, it’s time to see a mental health professional. A doctor or counselor can help you pinpoint the root cause of your disorder and identify coping strategies that can work for you.

Your doctor will ask you about your anxiety symptoms and how they affect your daily life. You might also mention any traumatic experiences you’ve had in the past or present.

It’s also a good idea to tell your doctor what medications you’re taking. He or she can help you avoid over-the-counter and prescription meds that can trigger anxiety or make the symptoms worse.

Therapy can help you identify and challenge negative thinking patterns that fuel anxiety. It can also teach you new coping skills so you can cope with stressful situations without getting anxious.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a professional anxiety treatment that focuses on changing patterns of thinking and beliefs that are associated with and trigger your anxiety. It involves challenging and replacing unhelpful thoughts and behaviors with new ones that are more realistic and positive.

Your therapist will teach you how to change your thinking, and will also give you practical strategies that can be used in everyday situations. This can include identifying and replacing automatic thoughts that are based on irrational expectations, negative distortions, and disqualifying factors.

In some cases, your therapist will use techniques like relaxation training to help you calm your mind and body. These skills can include breathing exercises, meditation, and guided imagery.

CBT can be effective for many types of anxiety disorders. However, it is important to remember that it takes time and commitment on your part. For this reason, it is often best to find a therapist who has experience in treating anxiety disorders using CBT techniques.

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a brief, attachment-focused form of psychotherapy that can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. It focuses on improving a person’s relationships with family, friends, and other people in their life.

During the first stage of IPT, your therapist will learn more about you, your mental health challenges, and how they relate to your interpersonal difficulties. Next, you and your therapist will identify a treatment focus.

For example, you might need assistance processing grief around a recent relationship loss or resolving a conflict with another person. In the middle stage of IPT, your therapist will work with you to develop strategies that can be applied to improve your relationships.

Interpersonal therapy is a time-limited, focused approach that is well-studied. It can significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety and help people maintain positive relationships after treatment. It is also effective in helping people prevent relapses. It is often used in conjunction with other treatments, such as medication.


Biofeedback is a mind-body technique that uses feedback to teach people to recognize the physical signs and symptoms of stress. This includes changes in heart rate, body temperature and muscle tension.

Biofeedback therapy can be an effective anxiety treatment when it is part of a well-rounded approach that incorporates medications, relaxation strategies and therapy. It helps patients manage their responses to anxiety-inducing situations and feel more in control of their health.

During a biofeedback session, a person is connected to a device with skin sensors that measure physiological markers. These measurements are displayed on the device in various visual and audio ways.

Biofeedback is usually a safe and non-invasive treatment. However, it is important to seek a qualified mental health professional to determine if biofeedback is right for you.

Professional Anxiety Treatment in Chandler, AZ

If you are in need of Professional Anxiety Treatment in Chandler, AZ? Contact me today to schedule your initial consultation!