Anxious Thoughts: Ways To Manage Them

Frustrated man
Frustrated. Expressions, feelings and moods.

Anxiety is a state of constant worry and fear. Generalized anxiety disorder affects a significant number of individuals. They are concerned about a wide range of issues. It’s not uncommon for them to obsess over the tiniest of details. Panic attacks may also occur in certain persons. A panic attack is a quick and intense sense of fear. Learning effective ways of managing anxious thoughts is critical.

Fear of public embarrassment is one of the most common symptoms of social anxiety disorder.

A racing heart and cold, damp hands are just two examples of the physical sensations that often accompany anxiety. It might restrict your activities and make it difficult to have fun in your daily routine. Psychological therapy, medication, or a combination of the two are good treatments for anxiety.

Anxiety may be prevented or reduced through positive thinking.

  • Thinking negatively might make you more anxious or afraid.
  • Using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), you may learn to replace negative thoughts with more realistic and positive ones.
  • It will take some time to change your mindset. Every day, you need to cultivate a positive attitude. With practice, positive thinking becomes second nature.
  • Some individuals who are plagued by anxiety and worry may not be helped by healthy thinking alone. What they need is treatment for anxiety. If you believe you are one of those individuals, contact a doctor or therapist.

Take note of and pause your unhealthy thoughts

The next stage is to consider if your thoughts are beneficial or detrimental. Take a look at what you’re telling yourself. Is your unfavorable viewpoint supported by the evidence? Some of your self-talk might be accurate. Or it might be factual but exaggerated.

Examining the odds is one of the finest methods to determine if you are worrying excessively. What are the possibilities that the negative event you’re afraid about will occur? What are the chances that you would lose your job if you receive a job evaluation with one minor critique amid numerous compliments? The chances are probably slim.

There are several types of anxious thoughts. Here are a few examples of what to look for:

Overgeneralizing: This is equivalent to taking one example and claiming it applies to everyone. Look for phrases like “never” and “always.” As an example: “I’ll never feel normal again. I am always concerned about everything.” Reality: You may be concerned about a variety of issues. But what about everything? Is it conceivable that you’re exaggerating? Although you may be concerned about several things, you may also feel in control and serene about others.

Catastrophic thinking: This is assuming the worst-case scenario. This sort of illogical reasoning often involves “what if” scenarios. For example : “I’ve started experiencing headaches recently. I’m terrified. What if it turns out to be a brain tumor?” Reality: If you are experiencing frequent headaches, you must see a doctor. However, the likelihood is that it is something considerably more frequent and a lot less significant. You may need glasses. You might be suffering from a sinus infection. Perhaps you’re experiencing tension headaches as a result of stress.

Putting the emphasis on the negative: Filtering is a term used to describe this process. You ignore the good and concentrate only on the unpleasant. Consider the following scenario: “When I have to speak in front of a group, I become quite frightened. I’m merely aware that people are remarking on how poor I am at public speaking.” Reality: You are most likely the only one who is concerned about your performance. Look for proof that wonderful things occurred as a result of one of your presentations. Was there any applause afterward? Did anybody compliment you on your work?

All-or-nothing mentality: This is often referred to as binary thinking. “If I do not get an ideal job review, I will lose my job.” Reality: The majority of performance reports offer some constructive criticism—areas where you can improve. Five positive remarks and one helpful suggestion constitute a favorable review. This does not indicate you are in imminent risk of losing your work.

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If you have been struggling with anxious thoughts, there is a path forward. Contact me today to set up an appointment!

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