Mood Disorder Types

mood disorder

Everyone goes through mood changes. Ups and downs as well as everything in between is present. An excessively protracted episode of powerful emotion, such as happiness, sadness, or both, is a symptom of a mood illness. The more prevalent mood disorders are bipolar disorder and depression.


Depressive disorders are prevalent. Depression may result from a major life event, such as the loss of a loved one, the end of a successful job, or the diagnosis of a serious illness. But there also doesn’t have to be a single thing that triggers it.

Pregnancy-related postpartum depression can happen during labor or just after delivery.

Persistent depressive disorder is referred to as dysthymia. This type of depression can last for at least two years. The symptoms could get better throughout that time, but they will still be there.

A severe form of depression known as psychotic depression includes hallucinations and delusions.

Wintertime is when you hear a lot about the seasonal affective disorder (SAD), especially if the weather is consistently gloomy or keeps people inside.

Depression is caused by a medical ailment, a drug side effect, or a substance addiction.

Disorder of the mind

This illness is also known as manic depression. There are times like this when there are sharp lows and highs (mania).

The most severe form of the illness, known as bipolar I, is characterized by episodes lasting at least a week, depression lasting up to two weeks, and simultaneous mania and depression.

A milder form of bipolar disorder is known as bipolar II. These individuals experience a milder form of mania and routinely handle daily tasks.

Cyclothymia is a condition that results in long-lasting, continuous mood swings that can range in severity from mild to moderate. Normalcy typically only lasts for limited periods, and mood swings can occur at any time.

Other — A person is labeled as “other” if their aberrant mood swings do not fall under one of the other categories. Two of these are intermittent explosive disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.


Here are a few indicators to watch out for, however they differ depending on the type of mood disorder:

  • Daily Sadness of Depression
  • Lower Energy
  • Low sense of self
  • Loss of Appetite or Weight Gain
  • Sleep Issues
  • Focusing Issues
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Bipolar Disorder – Exceptionally Quick Speech
  • Agitation
  • Having Issues With Racing Thoughts
  • Feeling Tense
  • Extreme Risk-Taking Habits

Message Me

Environmental, metabolic, and genetic variables can all contribute to mood disorders. Bipolar disorders are connected to the structure and operation of the brain. If you believe you have a mood disorder, get in touch with me immediately to arrange a consultation in Chandler, Arizona.